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Haerin Lee | co-founder & CEO

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Talking about sex still embarrasses me.

I know there is no shame in talking about sexuality. But socialization throughout my life makes me hesitant, choosing indirect words that sound softer and less sexual.


As a person coming from a conservative East-Asian culture, I thought it was a problem unique to my upbringing. However, as I have built xxTALK, I've spoken to many womxn from different cultures and religions and sexualities that experience many of the same things I do. It surprised me how all these womxn share guilt when talking about sex, understanding their own pleasure, or even thinking about their own sexuality.


Our guilt and insecurities are not just about sexuality. These feelings are a reflection of an understanding of your body and yourself.


I, along with all of us building xxTALK, am hoping to help empower womxn to live and love confidently. Until the day we can speak about sex without any embarrassment.

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