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a collaborative program designed to get women back in touch with their bodies and each other

x x T A L K

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a b o u t   x x T A L K

xxTALK is launching a structured 4-week group workshop, talkshop, co-designed by professional sex therapists, that aims to connect women with their sexuality to build more fulfilling relationships with their partners and themselves. each small group will be balanced in diversity to ensure greater perspectives and learning.


talkshop is complemented with a private online community for participants to openly discuss relationships, sex, and everything in between, receiving real-time advice and support in an open and honest setting.


we are an inclusive community and open to women of all sexualities, cultural, and religious backgrounds. we just launched our private beta in September 2020. Stay tuned for the further updates!

l a t e s t   u p d a t e s

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