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Meet Vicky


Vicky Aldana, desire & intimacy coach

Los Angeles, CA

Vicky is an LA-based desire and intimacy coach. She has been practicing orgasmic meditation for 2+ years and supports women in coming home to themselves.

Hello Vicky, tell us about yourself

Definitely :) My journey started out much like everyone else's. I went to college, got a degree (mine was in international business) and I moved out to a city to start my twenties in a new big, city. After a few years in the corporate world and dabbling with start-ups in San Francisco, I found myself in a coaching program to learn and teach orgasmic meditation (OM) after a bad break-up. I never had the intention of becoming of coach through that program; however, it completely turned my life inside out (and for the better). I learned about things you don't learn in school: healing, communication, desire, sex, relationships. My world would never be the same and after that program, investigated/read/did every program I could find. I've just recently been certified as an Associate Certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation and specifically use the principles from OM to both live and coach from. Outside of work, you'll find me geeking out on all the things I love about working with women, sex, relationships, and love. You'll often find me studying with teachers like Mama Gena, Layla Martin, and John Wineland and/or pulling cards, learning tarot, cooking, dancing, or hiking with my friends.

Why did you choose to be a sex therapist?

My own experience. Years of difficult break-ups, failed relationships, and playing out expired, deep-rooted patterns with people I love. The turning point was when a doctor told me there was a way to fix the lack of sexual fulfillment I was feeling (through medication... validating all of my fears that there was something wrong with me...) and through some sort of divine intervention, I was led to a different path that ended up saving my life. I was never interested in sex per se, until I had to be (that's when I had to reckon with the hard truth of wanting more out of life). I never suspected that getting in touch with my desires, my body, and my sexuality were the key to my power, truth, and heart. This path has helped me to address what was having me repeat painful relationships, feeling repressed/low-energy, being controlling, and working hard to succeed with my job as the main source of my identity.

What are the most memorable moments of your work experience?

My most memorable moments are often subtle; an onlooker wouldn't notice but I feel them to the core of my being. When a woman I work with asks for a desire she's been too scared to ask for, admits a truth she's never let out before or lets herself cry and release what she's held inside for years, I receive the gift of witnessing a woman open, through her/their vulnerability and willingness. Nothing compares to the soft and powerful moments that a heart opens in front of me.

Do you have any advice to us women?

Desire is your compass. Your willingness, vulnerability, and your true desires will lead you to where you need to go. Desire might not take you where you think you want to go, but it will never steer you wrong.

Vicky builds talkshop with xxTALK.

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check out her Linktree, or email her directly!

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